Monday 15 April 2013

Boston Marathon explosions shock spectators

Boston Marathon explosions shock spectators, Two explosions went off near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, according to several news reports. The explosions went off behind the fence containing spectators, injuring several people.

At this point, two have been reported dead and 23 have been reported injured. Officials do not have a solid count of casualties at this time, as hospitals are still reporting. A number of people have been critically injured, including some who have severed limbs.

View slideshow: Pictures of Boston Marathon
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis held a press conference, which was televised live on CBS. Davis confirmed that there were two simultaneous explosions on the Marathon route and a newly reported third explosion at JFK Library. As of the time of the press conference there were no injuries reported as a result of the library explosion.

Davis stated that the Boston Police Department is investigating any and all incidents, including packages that had been dropped by spectators as they fled.

The Boston Marathon is a huge event in Boston, Massachusetts. There may have been as many as 500,000 spectators at the 26 mile running event. The explosions went off in congested areas where hundreds of spectators were standing shoulder-to-shoulder just before the finish line.

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